Saripalli July Report 2019

And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; …and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. II Cor. 5: 18, 19.

The Saripallis Sent by: East Side Baptist Church (Pastor –Bro. Curt Rutledge Sr.)

  to  India

Dear Pastors, Churches, praying friends and heirs to the Kingdom of God,                                                                          July 17, 2019

Anticipating that fleeting moment of rapture at the glorious return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ becomes even more real as we are engaged in His service every day. Greetings in His Almighty and Holy name, whom we humbly proclaim joyfully in these last days and perilous times.

The last couple of months have been quite arduous with the summer VBS’ in all the mission churches and the Youth Camp, and more so because of dad’s health issues taking precedence. It so happened that my involvement in the Youth Camp became rather cumbersome, but the Lord provided replacements to attend to dad so that I could do both by His amazing grace. We had many souls saved in both the ministries and we saw a fresh batch of young people surrendering their lives to the Lord. Dad is doing much better although his partaking is limited at present. We covet your prayers for the restoration of his strength to be able to function normally.

We rejoice greatly in how our Lord answers prayers and meets our needs while we serve Him according to His will. I mean that as we preach the Gospel and see souls saved and churches established, it is mandatory to provide them with the Word of God that they may grow thereby (1 Pet. 2: 2). And as the translation of the Telugu Bible is underway and getting ready to print sooner than later, I was praying and asking God to give us that assurance, confidence, and the peace that we need so clearly to affirm His Holy Word as ‘completed and ready’ for printing. But I must admit that I felt that it needed to be looked at least one more time with a Telugu language expert who understands the methods and conditions of such a translation work. Which is when the Lord brought a brother in Christ and a new acquaintance who fits the description perfectly, and thus the work is moving along satisfactorily. We covet your continued special prayers for this mammoth project of translation and the finances for printing it for a population of 100 million.

The new school (Aleph Academy) has six more students and the PBM Children’s Home is seeing new children who need care. Please do lift them up in your prayers for their salvation in due time. Our gratitude to you all for your faithful prayers and support as we labour in His field, but the souls saved and the rewards shared are mutual. Our love to you all and assured prayers for God to continue to bless you as you serve Him locally and globally.

Serving the Saviour

Bro. Rufus Saripalli and Family

Home Church: EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH, Box 2207, 1219 Pease St., Vernon, Texas 76384 USA E-Mail:

Field Address: Philadelphia Baptist Mission, P.O. Box-12, Sainikpuri, Secunderabad–500094 (Telangana) INDIA

E-Mails:;  Website:

Times for Worship

Come and worship with us at the following times:

Sunday Morning at 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Evening at 7pm



Contact Us

2100 Sand Road
PO Box 2206
Vernon, Tx. 76384
Church Phone: 940-886-7943 


Missions to India, Saripalli, PO Box 2207, Vernon, Tx. 76384                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Plan of Salvation

You Can Be Saved and Know it For Sure!

"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life."

1 John 5:13

There are four things you MUST realize

                                                                                                                                                                                                            click this link.pdf